Okay, so the "vacation" took a little longer than planned. Well the vacation went as long as planned, then real life took some adjusting to.
It was quite the time. I have bitten the big apple (and have the pictures to prove it), I have dipped my toes in the Atlantic Ocean (ditto on the pictures), I met one of my closest online friends from England, and subsequently learned that "thanks for posting a picture of my fanny on the internet" does NOT mean the same thing in England as it does here. This I learned after I posted a comment on her flickr site where she had posted pictures of our get together. I have "Performed Poetry" to an "audience" and received "applause". I discovered my "virtual" poet friends to be more warm, wonderful and human than I could have imagined.
and, I got older by one year. I am now the ultimate answer if you can figure that out.
I was loved and nurtured, and cared for in a way I never remember being cared for. I got a message that ripped out my heart, and later a phone call roughly put it back. I caught a bat inside my friend's house 12:30 while doing tarot reading on my birthday during a full moon, and set free the beautiful creature to her open night. To top it off I flew back the day of the shampoo explosives scare, sigh - they took my water bottles! and they searched my luggage on the way down, but they always search my luggage, must be the bright eyed, daft looking Canadian thing. . . .
So where are these pictures? what have you been doing since? Well the pictures have to be scanned - I use old clunkers, and the digital I borrowed I still have to get the pictures put on disc, so you will have to wait. Each of these sentences could be a blog - the musicians I talked to in Central Park, my afternoon of losing myself staring at the ocean, the adjustable beds in the hotel room..... , the night of the bat, my book - yes there will be a book, and my homecoming - but that's a different story. Lance, for you, I do have a lovely lefty blog almost done and will post as soon as I can. Lance and Glenda, thanks for your notes, wow, to be thought of, I am honoured.
Home life was a little harder to get used to. Nothing for my birthday (and Leos like a small fuss at least ), even my brother seemingly missed it. Things not so easy. But the kids are back in school and I have spent my time studying tax, immigration, and divorce law - and today will be cashing out part of the only money that is really my own, my retirement savings - so I can make a start on my own.
I will write more soon - with pictures I promise - something that includes the bright pepto-bismo pink hummer I saw last night, or perhaps that should be a poem...
I have missed you all.
YEAH!!!! Good to have you back. I was beginning to get worried.
But, who am I to talk about taking "blog breaks". We all need to do it once in a while.
Can't wait to read more.
thanks Lance. You made my day today.
It was more of a-no-time-to-get-near-the-blog break, but I will have more, soon - especially when I get some of those photo's scanned... then there will be stories.
Welcome Back!!! Just because....well....must there be a reason?:)
and, no, there doesn't have to be... :-)
Glad to have you back--and very glad things went so well.
Ah, to have the house back to yourself again. My rugrat doesn't go back until next Friday--ARRGGHH!!
Keep me posted on the book--I can't wait to buy my own copy!
Congrads on reaching "the ultimate number."
Somewhere, Douglas Adams and some mice are smiling.
Sothis - thanks! well only for certain number of hours, and I seem to fill them up pretty quickly... sigh.
Rex!! - so glad to hear from you! I have missed you (don't tell anyone). somehow the thought of Douglas Adams and small white mice smiling is making me laugh after a very long day.
I want to join the choir and welcome you back. Sounds like you have some great stories to tell as we move along. Cool! Looking forward to them and the pics too.
thanks! the pics I started putting on my imagaery blog, I found I could put them there directly from my flickr site, but I will them up soon. will get to the stories soon, the ones I've miss hearing and telling!
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