"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
~ Albert Einstein
I'm recycling a story here, but its one I like, and it's something I keep in mind when the world seems too much -
Another man approched him and said "why do you bother, you cannot not possibly make a difference here, there are thousands of starfish, and there is only you."
The first man replied - "I made a difference to that one."
I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." ~ Stephan Grellet
Its a beauiful day - I'm going to go fill my birdfeeders . . .
The star fish story brings this over whelming feeling of not being in control,that most of us tend to have,down to a manageable level. It's almost like instead of always trying to see the big picture, why not try to take care of the details one by one. We humans do lot better with details anyway and by taking care of those the big picture takes care of itself.
"Think globally, act locally."
I think I read that on the bumper of some hippie's hemp-stained VM bus.
Right before I crushed it with my Hummer.
P.S. Sorry...I'm riding a "flow of consciousness" angry mood today.
I have always loved that story. With people, I think it symbolizes whether we will give into apathy or be overwhelmed by horrifying events, or if we will do something to help others.
Sometimes I just worry that we do these token things to help clear our own consciences, to make ourselves feel better. Maybe we could find the reason why the starfish keep washing up on the shore so we can stop it forever?
Sorry. I've been reading too much about the war in Congo lately and I'm taking an integration class with African asylum seekers--too many starfish lately.
pekka - I'm not in control, gave that one up, the big picture? happens day by day - they only thing I can be in charge of is what I do.
Rex - so that was YOU. thought as much. actually I have 2 hummers myself - ruby throated and they visit my garden reguarly - I shouldn't say they are mine, they are my guests.
Sothis - I'm just trying to get more people on the beach....
I like that story. It is empowering. Little steps.
It's amazing in all the world of blogs, I read that same story on another site just recently. I guess we all need to think about it and just do the best we can to try and make even a little bit of difference. There are just so many starfish on the beach and I tend to want to save them all.
Beautiful story, as well as meaningful. It seems so many don't want to do anything unless it's accompanied by flashing lights and a brass band!
Mary - little steps, the only kind I can take...
Patricia - saving the whole world is too overwhelming for me (and mostly impossible, especially on Mondays), but small individual acts added up can and do make a difference (just think about individual snow flakes in a snow fall, individually they don't amount to much, but together....)
"Never doubt a small group of thoughtful people can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
Unhappy - its the acts that people do without expecting reconition, that they never mention that matter - living your life that way can be the 'play it forward' that this world needs.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
thank you - who ever you are!
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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