Okay, I'm doing it - responding to the pressure. It has become - how you say? too much. All this loose flinging about of hippie terminology without any knowledge behind it what so ever.
So here it is a list of SIGNS YOU MAY BE A HIPPIE. . .
(read carefully and take very seriously, I realize the thought of any degree of hippieness is terrifying to some)
- you smell - with your nose, like everyone else
- you shower, but conserve water and use biodegradable products
- you have more than one variety of soy or tufu in your refrigerator right now
- you have a preference in the brand of soy milk you buy, or the brand of organic milk
- you are a member of a co-op that sells organic produce, free range drug free eggs, organic milk etc
- you have more than one pair of Birkenstocks (summer/winter, formal/casual, etc)
- you have a preference in cous cous grains size
- you understood the last statement
- you know what Namaste means
- you have occasion to say Namaste
- you have a preference on the type of yoga you practice
- you consider tie-dye perfectly acceptable formal wear
- you read banned books - proudly
- you think, therefore you are dangerous
- you can find Tibet on a map and know why the Dalai Lama doesn't live there
- you know who the Dalai Lama is
- you quote Gandhi at your children when they fight or behave badly
- not only are you a Treehugger, you are a Wormloving Dirtworshiper
- you know where your chakras are
- you know what a chakra is
- you understood the above two statements
- you have a set of tarot cards
- you understand them
- you can read them
- you have many, many Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Bob Dylan, ska-type-music etc CDs
- you read poetry - alot
- you don't shop at Walmart or buy your gas at Exxon (you tend to skip the sheep tommy-crombie type wear as well)
- you have more jeans with holes in the knees (and bum) than without
- you wear above jeans to school functions (you have repaired the bum)
- you can belly dance
- you've been henna tatooed
- you can henna tatoo
- you presently have henna tatoos
- you have white sage, and smuge your home
- you secretly long to live in a small cabin-in-the-woods / cottage-by-the-lake / shanty-by-the-sea and get back-to-basics (but would never manage it because you would miss your blog/email/internet friends too much)
p.s. yes that is Viggo below.
Well about three or four of them are me, so I know I'm not a full blown hippie. Maybe I qualify as a hippette.
hippette - that's good, I think that's what my daughters are.
don't worry you sound like you're safe enough...
Damn. I guess I'm not a hippie. All those people who called me that must have been wrong...
ah well, it could be worse, you could be a poet as well....
I think I might qualify, but I think a middle aged hippie dad can like single malt, ska music, vacations in Mexico and blogging and still qualify.
A few more for the ist.
You know what a bong is. You have used one in the last 5 years.
You secretly long to live in a little cabin in the woods without electricity.
You remember that boy/girl from that 1970's rock festival and wonder where he/she is today.
Thanks for your visit and post on Sasha. Yes, dogs can bring a lot. May your little friend have many more good years...
his name was Todd, and he is in France now wealthy and getting married, last I heard.... sigh
secretly long for a small house near a lake/ocean (any body of water) with just enough room for me and one or two pets and plenty of sunlight for a proper studio
music is open, ska especially. and I do remember scotch being quite lovely.
thanks Gary.
I'm guilty on ALL counts. I could espeically identify with the cous cous (I will not eat the small grain stuff--only the big pearl kind for me!) And I still dream of having a cabin in the White Mountains of New Hamshire...
Welcome me to the club, too.
(Viggggggggo... and the rest, too.)
Hope you are all well.
sothis -
well its your fault I know the difference now isn't it? can I visit you in your cabin? you can visit me by the sea....?
Kathleen -
Viggggooo yesss, and yum
am looking for ways to insert him in every blog entry (as an academic exercise only) - instead of where's waldo we could play find the scorching hot sexy viggo image burning a hole in your screen.
am doing well, currently am translating my last 'pome' into Spanish. . . . ;-)
25 out of 36!
My score would be higher if I had children. For I would most definately quote Gandhi to them.
No soy for me, but ALL of my meat is organic, naturally and humainly raised.
all the meat I buy is organic too - I CAN still cook with it, and do cook for non-veggies....
no choice about the soy, can't do the milk thing - sigh, if it were just milk that would be one thing, but its the cheese I miss... really big sigh!
Gandhi rocks...
Tree hugging liberal weirdo freak.
what would you know, conservative, pinko, commie zombie...
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